Pomodoro desktop app
Pomodoro desktop app

pomodoro desktop app pomodoro desktop app

(Every 25-minute work session is called a pomodoro.) Set a timer for 25 minutes and work only on the task at hand.

pomodoro desktop app

In a nutshell, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that splits work time into 25-minute sprints with regular breaks. What is the Pomodoro Technique for time management? By the end of this post, you’ll have everything you need to start mastering your time and cutting down on procrastination - today. Then, we’ll share our top three favorite Pomodoro apps (because trust us, there are lots of options out there to sift through). In this article, we’ll first cover what the Pomodoro Technique is for you Pomo newbies. And that’s definitely what a well-designed Pomodoro timer app will do for your Pomodoros. There’s something about a well-designed app that can make nearly any task feel so much more enjoyable, purposeful, and easy.

Pomodoro desktop app